Last Will and Testament

A Will is a written document that is properly executed and witnessed that allows you to do the following (in addition to other options):

  • Determine who will receive your assets after your death, once your debts and expenses are paid;
  • Appoint a personal representative (commonly known as an executor) to handle your post-death affairs and administer your estate;
  • Put in writing for your heirs to know your funeral and burial wishes; and
  • Nominate a guardian and/or conservator for a minor child.

A Last Will and Testament can be simple or complex. It depends on each individual's situation. A few factors that are usually considered include:

  • Amount of Assets
  • Types of Assets (Real Estate, Personal Property and/or Financial Accounts)
  • Possibility of Minor Children Beneficiaries
  • Desire to Give Assets in Lump Sum or Over Time
  • Desire to Avoid Probate
  • Charitable Giving Preferences

If you do not create a Will, the laws of the State of Michigan will make your decisions for you automatically, and there is a good chance that these automatic decisions may not be your desired outcomes. By creating a valid and enforceable Will (or Trust, as the case may be), you control these decisions.

What Our Jackson, Michigan, Estate Planning Lawyers Can Do for You

Don't let the State make these important decisions. At a minimum, everyone should at least have what our estate planning attorneys call the Big Three: a Will, Financial Power of Attorney, and Medical Power of Attorney (with Living Will provisions). Depending on your specific situation, a Trust may benefit you as well.

Our estate planning lawyers will sit down with you, listen to your wishes, answer your questions, and ultimately create an estate plan that helps you reach your goals.

For more information, or to set up an appointment, please call the Will and Trust attorneys at Curtis, Curtis & Brelinski at (517) 787-9481, email, or complete our online contact form. Based in Jackson, we serve clients throughout mid-Michigan.